Puerto Morelos Weather

The best time to go to Puerto Morelos

Thinking about visiting the Riviera Maya? This is great and is a very good idea because it has many things to do and see, and many places to go, however among so many places we have one that we want to recommend: Puerto Morelos.

The reason? Puerto Morelos is one of those places that have not yet been “very exploited” like almost everything else in Cancun and the Riviera Maya, so there is still a lot of “virgin” things that you can take advantage of to explore. The route of the cenotes of Puerto Morelos is one of them, the beaches too, and we won’t leave here without telling you about the Puerto Morelos Weather.

Puerto Morelos Weather

But why is it very important to know the weather? For the simple fact that you know that here the probability of rain is very low almost all year round and know what is the best time to travel and much more, Let’s get to it.

Puerto Morelos Weather

A basic question of all before embarking on a trip is if the weather is going to favor us, because you should know that it is a complete luck to travel to Puerto Morelos, because there is no bad time to visit, although there are more favorable seasons depending on the weather, throughout the year you can take advantage of this place.

Average temperature in Puerto Morelos

Puerto Morelos is a place of high humidity and heat throughout the year, from the moment you arrive you will be able to notice it, its average temperature is 26 degrees but its hottest days temperatures could reach 34 degrees, varying in the winter months.

This city is located on the coast of Yucatan just 30 kilometers south of Cancun, the winter here is typically warm, but sometimes from mid-November to mid-March where there may be windier and cooler days and where the temperature can drop to 16 degrees at night and rise to 26 degrees during daylight hours.

The average temperature of the coldest month of the whole year for Puerto Morelos which is January is between 23 and 24 degrees and for its hottest month which is August and where the temperature can reach up to 34 degrees, is 30 degrees.

Average temperature in Puerto Morelos

Months with less heat

The months with milder temperatures are between December and February where at night the temperature can reach 18 or 21 degrees and during the day the temperature can reach 26 degrees.

Months with the hottest temperatures

From July and until September are the months with the hottest in this area, having temperatures between 30 and 33 degrees throughout these three months alternating between days and night.

Rainy season

The season considered rainy for the climate of Puerto Morelos is from mid-May to mid-November, however, do not despair about this, it is likely to fall a heavy rain for 15 minutes and immediately the sun comes out again, the least rainy month is March and the months with more rainfall are September and October.

Rainy season puerto morelos

Dry season

From mid-November to mid-May is considered the driest months for Puerto Morelos.

However, remember that rain is unpredictable, so our recommendation is that you do not despair, the tropical climate is very unstable, you may consult the weather and it is a rainy day and when you arrive the opposite has happened and the weather has given you a full day of sunshine.

Hurricane Probabilities

From June to November but being more likely between August and October there is a risk of hurricanes in the area, however you can be calm, hurricanes is a phenomenon that can be predicted several days in advance and each hotel or residential complex has a protocol to follow in case one occurs.

Sea temperature

The sea temperature varies between 26 and 29 degrees throughout the year, therefore, the sea is warm enough for swimming at any time.

The best time to go to Puerto Morelos

Although we already knew that the weather in Puerto Morelos is quite pleasant almost all year round, the months when you can be more comfortable are from mid-March and until the end of May, these months represent a hot period in the area and relatively dry, in May begin to occur the first storms of the place.
In the winter from December to mid-March you can find some warm and sunny weeks, changing the temperature during the night where there are more winds, clouds and some rains that can last a few days.

As you have noticed, the weather in Puerto Morelos is perfect almost all the time, as well as the beautiful landscapes it has to offer, investing in this place is undoubtedly one of the best decisions you can make if you are thinking about the future. Who wouldn’t want to enjoy a climate like this without restrictions?

The best time to go to Puerto Morelos

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