How to get from Cancun airport to Puerto Morelos

How to go to Puerto Morelos from cancun

How to get from Cancun airport to Puerto Morelos? This is a very common question asked by all people who want to spend a few days of vacation in Puerto Morelos.

Why do they ask this question? If you are coming by air (plane trip? to spend a few days in the Riviera Maya, you will first have to get to the Cancun Airport.

It is the closest airport and yes or no you will have to take a transport to Puerto Morelos from here.

But you don’t have to worry about that anymore, because right now we are going to tell you, how to get from Cancun airport to Puerto Morelos and we will also tell you how far is Puerto Morelos from Cancun airport.

How to get from Cancun airport to Puerto Morelos

But before we start we invite you to read our post about how to go from Cancun to Isla Mujeres

A little bit about Puerto Morelos

Puerto Morelos is a small municipality in Quintana Roo and the entrance to the Riviera Maya. It is a very quiet place, where you will not find antros, department stores, plazas or a very active life by night and day.

In Puerto Morelos you will find the tranquility and charm of a fishing village, surrounded by the sea, virgin beaches, cenotes, caves and corral reefs.

puerto morelos mexico

However, there are several hotels for adults only, 5 stars and luxury hotels in the area and each one of them far away from each other, so staying in one of these hotels will give you an incredible tranquility and privacy.

For that and much more you should know Puerto Morelos.

How far is puerto morelos from cancun airport?

35 kilometers is the distance from the Cancun airport to Puerto Morelos and depending on the means of transportation you choose, as well as the weather and the time of departure, the transfer time from Cancun airport to Puerto Morelos can take from 15 to 45 minutes.

How far is puerto morelos from cancun airport

For example, if there is a lot of traffic the transfer time can be 30 minutes, however if it is traffic free it would be about 15 minutes, in case of an accident on the road, the traffic is slow and it can be up to 45 minutes the time of arrival to Puerto Morelos

How to get from Cancun airport to Puerto Morelos?

There are 5 ways to get to Puerto Morelos from Cancun Airport, each of these ways influences the time that the trip will take.

Each of these ways will have a positive or negative impact on the 35 kilometers distance between Cancun Airport and Puerto Morelos.

Private Transportation

The first way we have to get from Cancun airport to Puerto Morelos, booking a private transportation service.

First of all, we can not deny the advantages that this type of service has, then:

  • This service can be booked before you travel.
  • It will already be waiting for us.
  • The units are big, clean and safe.
  • We do not have to pay more.
  • It leaves us in our hotel.
  • It can be equipped with a baby seat.

Of course the above are just some of the many advantages that will make the 35 km distance from Cancun airport to Puerto Morelos more comfortable, lighter and fun.

By the way, there are several tourist transportation companies, so it is ideal to investigate the rates that each one has, although there is really not much variation in costs.

cancun airport transportation


The ADO is a very well known transportation service in Mexico and of course in other countries we can know it as “bus” and as we already know the distance from Pureto Morelos to Cancun is 35 kilometers and it is not really considered much.

So if you want a simple and economical transport, this can be an option, only that will not leave you in Puerto Morelos as such, but if very close to it, from where you take another bus to downtown Puerto Morelos.

How to get from Cancun airport to Puerto Morelos in bus


Another way to travel those 35 kilometers from the Cancun airport to Puerto Morelos, is through a shared transportation service, commonly called “vans or colectivos”.

This type of transportation to go from Cancun to Puerto Morelos, you can take it from the airport and it costs a little less than 3 dollars, but it makes continuous stops along the way to pick up other passengers.

Besides, like the previous one, it would not take you directly to Puerto Morelos or to your hotel, but rather it would leave you on the federal highway, so that from that place you can take a bus to downtown Puerto Morelos.

hot to get to puerto morelos for cancun in vans


If you are traveling alone or in a hurry to get to Puerto Morelos from Cancun, the cab is a very good option, because it is fast, simple and small, only it can’t take more than 3 passengers and it is a little more expensive than the previous options.

taxi puerto morelos

Car Rental

If you’re looking for the freedom to make stops along the way or even get out, the best option you have for getting from Cancun airport to Puerto Morelos, even a little over the 35 kilometers, is to challenge a car.

When renting a car you will have an infinite freedom to come and go anywhere and of course, we know that today’s technology allows us to guide us without any problem from one destination to another, and if you want to explore the Riviera Maya, then what are you waiting for to reserve yours?

car rental cancun to puerto morelos

How far is Puerto Morelos from the Cancun airport? There are 5 ways to get from the Cancun airport to Puerto Morelos, 35 kilometers away.

Only one of these options leaves you exactly at your hotel, while the others are only halfway points and the last one gives you an experience to explore on your own the whole journey.

Which of these 5 options do you prefer, dear reader? Write it in comments and don’t forget to read our post about things to do in Cancun.

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