👉 San Miguel de Allende Historic Center

San Miguel de Allende Historic Center

San Miguel de Allende has been named a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Its beautiful cobblestone streets and its relaxed and picturesque air make this place a unique place.

San Miguel de Allende Historic Center

Historic Center of San Miguel de Allende

Downtown San Miguel de Allende is characterized by its cafes and restaurants around the main square where people gather, sit on benches under the shade of the trees and simply enjoy the moment.

The buildings are colorful, nothing monumental or modern, but colonial style with flowers and bougainvilleas. The Parroquia de San Miguel, with its neo-Gothic façade built in 1880, stands out among all the buildings and is the emblem of the city, located in front of the Plaza Allende where musical groups frequently play in the kiosk.

plaza del centro historico de san miguel de allende

Next to the Parroquia is the Casa Allende which was the home of Ignacio Allende, hero of the National Independence, built in 1759 and reopened in 2009 as a Regional Museum. In the northern part of the Jardín Allende stands the Municipal Palace and almost next to it the 18th century Casa del Mayorazgo de la Canal, home of one of the richest families of New Spain, currently houses the Casa de la Cultura de Banamex with a collection of paintings.

A few blocks away is the Ignacio Ramirez Cultural Center also known as the School of Fine Arts or El Nigromante, which was originally a convent, now is part of the National Institute of Fine Arts where arts are taught and exhibitions are held. It also has a cafeteria open to the public in its beautiful gardens.

iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Salud san miguel

The Oratorio de San Felipe Neri and the church of Nuestra Señora de la Salud are two temples not to be missed, the latter with its particular facade on which rises a shell-shaped crest.

The Angela Peralta Theater, originally designed for opera, offers a variety of musical events and hosts events such as the Jazz Festival and the Chamber Music Festival that take place every year. Another place to visit is the Juarez Park decorated with gardens, fountains, paths and bridges in the French style but with local vegetation.

No doubt you have to visit this incredible place in San Miguel de Allende and of course, don’t forget to visit the following articles: