👉 Typical Japanese dishes

Typical Japanese dishes

We know that there is a great cultural diversity in terms of gastronomy and that is why we can find various delights from other countries for our palate. Although it is worth mentioning that we do not always enjoy the culinary experience as such.

There are several dishes that may not be very famous or easy to prepare and therefore, you can only find them in your country. For this reason, our team of Traveling By has investigated and brings you right now the list of the best typical dishes of Japan.

Typical Japanese dishes

Typical food and dishes from Japan

The best known Japanese dish is sushi, but looking a little further there are many others and of course, some of them you can enjoy in Japanese restaurants in Mexico, Spain, Argentina or really in the country you are in and others only and exclusively in Japan. So let’s get to know them.


One of the most typical Japanese dishes and the most popular all over the world is sushi. It is prepared with cooked rice seasoned with rice vinegar, salt, sugar and rice wine. Sushi is usually associated with seafood and fish, but there are other varieties with omelettes, vegetables and other foods.

The word sushi refers to the method of preparation of the rice and not to its companion, although this last ingredient will be responsible for giving a different flavor to each piece. Another element that is incorporated is Nori seaweed, which is used as a wrapper or to hold the rice.


Udon is a type of thick Japanese noodle made with wheat flour and has a diameter of 6 to 8 mm. The noodle is served with broth or miso soup and some seasonings are added to make the dish more complete, as well as fish, meat, seafood, egg, mushrooms and vegetables.

Typical Japanese dishes


This dish is shaped like a triangle or rice ball with topping on the outside and filling on the inside, in addition to Nori seaweed that holds the ingredients. Usually the onigiri was filled with pickled plum, salmon, tuna or kombu.

Nowadays, some variants and seasonings of this dish can be found. It should be noted that it is not a variety of sushi, since the preparation of the rice for this dish is different from that of sushi; it is only rice with a little salt and no other seasoning.

Onigiri comida japonesa

Miso soup

A traditional Japanese food is undoubtedly miso soup, since it is rooted in the gastronomic culture of the country. This soup is made from miso (a paste made from soybeans, fermented cereals, sea salt and a fungus called Koji).

The word miso is “source of flavor” in Japanese, being a clear concept the intention of this condiment. Miso soup includes other ingredients such as leek, tofu, spring onion, wakame seaweed and many more. Other versions of this dish may include potatoes, fish, meat or mushrooms.


Considered one of Japan’s typical dishes, this dish consists of thin cuts of seafood and fish, which are accompanied with ginger, wasabi, soy sauce and usually served raw.

The ginger is intended to be taken between each piece of sashimi in order to clean the taste in the mouth and thus better taste the flavor.

It should be noted that the essence of this preparation, although it may seem very simple, lies in the quality of the ingredients, and it can be assured that the Japanese specialize in fish and work with very fresh and quality raw materials.

comida tipica de japon


Like udon, soba is a type of Japanese noodle made with buckwheat. This ingredient makes the flavor stronger and more pronounced and its color is darker compared to udon.

There are some varieties to which matcha tea is added, giving a greenish color to the mixture. In Japan, soba can be found cold and as a side dish.


This is a traditional Japanese glutinous rice cake. To make this dish, the rice is mashed until it becomes a moldable paste, and when it acquires the desired texture, it is shaped.

It is considered a dessert that is eaten all year round, usually consumed on New Year’s Day. In Japan it is also called daifuku, a round ball that is filled with sweet or red bean paste, strawberries or other fruits.

They are then coated with a very thin layer of corn starch to prevent them from sticking to each other or to the fingers.

Mochi platillos tipicos de japon


Ramen is the king of Japanese noodle dishes. Chinese wheat noodles, egg and water with sodium carbonate, phosphoric acid and potassium are used to make ramen.

It is a very popular dish in the country, which currently has a lot of variety, there is even a ramen museum in Japan.


The meaning of this word is “grilled sea bream”, but despite what the name implies, it is a typical Japanese dessert and it is not exactly grilled sea bream.

It is actually a cake with pancake or waffle batter, which is cooked in a fish-shaped mold, and filled with a variety of flavors (bean paste, custard or chocolate). There are also savory versions that are filled with sausage, octopus or cheese.

Taiyaki platillos tipicos de japon


It is a dish containing small portions of food organized in a traditional wooden box. It is a very common dish in the food of Japan and its purpose is to transport to work, school, college, university, etc.

It is so popular that anyone can go to a restaurant and easily eat a Bentō sitting on a chair.

Bento gastronomia de japon


Considered one of the regional dishes of the Kansai locality, Takoyaki is made with octopus and wheat flour, it is a dumpling-like dumplings. It is common to see this typical dish in the country, especially in street stalls.

Some restaurants serve portions that are seasoned with different condiments and sauces that result in an explosion of flavors on the palate.



This Japanese dish is very similar to meat and chicken skewers. Nowadays these skewers can be found with a great variety of meats, vegetables and fish and even with combinations of these ingredients.

They are usually accompanied with teriyaki sauce to enhance their flavor, which is why it is considered one of the best meals in the country.


Just as the Italians have pizza, the Japanese have OKonomiyaki; it is a dough of flour, water, yam and egg that is grilled and complemented with several different ingredients.

Chefs usually prepare this dish in front of the diners, although it all depends on the restaurant. The ingredients are usually chosen and include fish, meat, vegetables, seafood, mochi, cheese, among others.

As soon as the chef has prepared the dough, he proceeds to dress it with mayonnaise, sauce and thinly sliced tuna.

Okonomiyaki comida de japon


This special dish is a dessert with a texture similar to mochi and consists of a variety of mochiko or rice flour balls, which are then threaded onto wooden sticks.

As with daifuku, dangos can be of various flavors and the name will vary according to the seasoning or flavor that accompanies them.

Dango cocina japonesa


Another dish of Japanese gastronomy is this version of Okonomijaki, but with a more liquid dough with different portions of ingredients, resulting in a consistency similar to that of melted cheese.

It is said that this dish originated in the city of Tokyo and in its restaurants you can eat this dish freshly prepared and straight from the griddle where it has been cooked.


As we mentioned at the beginning of this post: Some of these dishes you can only enjoy them inside Japan, although to tell the truth you can find the recipe on the internet and try to make it. Meanwhile, some of them are very common to find them in specialty restaurants. However, whatever the reason you came here, I hope that now that you know these dishes, you will not be left with the desire to try each one of them, according to your possibilities. So see you in our next posts.

Spanish Version: https://www.cuboinformativo.top/platillos-tipicos-de-japon/