👉 Petatlan Guerrero

Petatlan Guerrero

Petatlan is located 43 km (27 mi) northeast of Papanoa in the State of Guerrero via the same highway in Mexico.

Petatlan Guerrero

Petatlan Guerrero
Source: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkZ-Wllch8bWLe-6dSNRsfQ

In many places of Guerrero, Nature and Culture go of the hand; thus, in scenes of incredible beauty rise constructions of great architectonic historical value or, even, some that have extended by the legend that of them is counted, so is the case of the Church of the Father of Jesus de Petatlan, whose sculpture of the Christ who are there, appeared in strange conditions, reason why now him it is considered very miraculous.

This Church is located in the downtown of Petatlan, where it will be able to enjoy his traditional plaza, the House of the Culture and the building of the H. City council. Walking by his streets it will find the gold article market, where the prices also are a miracle. These artisans are the ones who sell their products, which, by the way, are of excellent quality.

Petatlan Guerrero mexic o

At the time of the food, it will be able to enjoy the gastronomical delights in the population or in the Calvario recognized by its beauty and reason why it can teast there, as the tamales of lamb meat in banana leaf, in addition to other delicious stews ripened with the salt that obtains in natural form of the Las Salinas mines.

If it enjoys the fresh fish and seafood, then the visit Barra de Potosi or the beach La Barrita, and to eat ostiones, to the Lagoon Valentin, where it will enjoy its food between paradisiacal almost virgin landscapes.

Also visit the archaeological zone of La Soledad de Maciel, where are incredible stone engravings, superposed stones, portable altars and offerings of great historical and patrimonial value.

Petatlan you can admire interesting archaeological pieces such as:

  • The stone of sacrfices and other monolithic stones
  • The contemporary-style chapel

What are you waiting for to visit this place that has several natural attractions of Mexico?