👉 Yucatan tourist attractions

Yucatan tourist attractions

Tourist attractions of Yucatan classified by magical towns, archaeological, natural areas and beaches

Yucatan is one of the states of Mexico with a mystical magic, which invites us to learn about the past, culture and history of the Maya and other ancient civilizations.

Besides being a state that for the most part still keeps its colonial charm, it gives us many options to know, see and do.

But so you don’t miss the most popular ones, Traveling By has created a list of the best tourist attractions in Yucatán.

Yucatan tourist attractions

Yucatan tourist attractions

The state of Yucatan is full of many attractions to visit and that is why it is almost impossible to visit them all in one visit or to choose which one to visit first.

That is why in this article we will give you a list of the best and most popular attractions in the state of Yucatan, among which we will find magical towns, cenotes, beaches, zoos and even plazas and shopping malls.

Montejo Promenade

The Paseo de Montejo is the name given to the main street of the city of Merida and its full name is Paseo de Francisco de Montejo, its conqueror and founder of the state. It is such an impressive place that it has become part of the list of tourist attractions in Mexico.

But no, this is not the only thing this place is famous for, it is a place full of culture, museums, stores and a very active life that shows the warmth of its inhabitants, not to mention the beauty of the place because its design is inspired by the French boulevards. Flanked by large trees, it has a median and numerous traffic circles.

Yucatan tourist attractions

Merida’s main park “Plaza Grande”.

As its name indicates, this is the main park and therefore the busiest in MĂ©rida, where many activities take place, for example on Sundays they close the access to vehicles making it a family place.

And when there are parties or the anniversary of the city, this place is used to host concerts and events, not to mention the large number of stores of all kinds of items and products that we will see around.

Merida Plaza Grande (courtesy Yucatan Tourism)A.JPG


Valladolid is a small town located just 1 hour from the city of Merida and a place you have to visit during your visit to the state.

Today it still preserves beautiful buildings, churches and cobblestone streets that remind the visitor of the origins of the city. Besides being a good option to stay before visiting Chichén Itzá, Valladolid is surrounded by beautiful cenotes that you cannot miss.

Valladolid atractivo de yucatan


Izamal is Mexico’s most yellow Magical Town and is also known as the city of the three cultures because of the coexistence of Mayan traditions, the Spanish heritage and the features of the present time.

Izamal pueblo magico de yucatan

Chichen Itza

Chichen Itza is the default archaeological site that you must visit in Yucatan. In fact, the pyramids of Chichén are one of the most characteristic representations of the state.

Among many other reasons that make it the most popular attraction of the state is being part of the new wonders of the modern world and this is thanks to its cultural heritage and its distinctive monuments, including the Pyramid of Kukulcan, the Observatory and the Temple of the Thousand Columns.

Chichén Itzá atractivo turístico de yucatan


The name Uxmal means “built 3 times” referring to the construction of its tallest structure: The Pyramid of the Soothsayer.

This tourist attraction of Yucatan is one of the most important sites in culture and history of the Yucatan Peninsula becoming even more important than Chichen Itza.

Uxmal Yucatan


This ancient city was built in the likeness of Chichen Itza, a fact that can be seen in the shape of its main buildings and its architectural style incorporates elements of central Mexico, combined with features inherited from the ancient Mayan cities.

Mayapan lugar tuistico de yucatan

Ek Balam

Ek Balam is another of the archaeological sites you can find in your visit to the state and was the capital of the Tah empire, to which the people of the eastern part of the state paid tribute, including part of the coast, as evidenced by the shell offerings found there.

This archaeological zone is located 17 kilometers from the city of Merida and what makes it worth visiting is its famous temple of the seven dolls from which you can appreciate the equinox as in Chichen Itza in a spectacular way.

Ek Balam Lugar turistico de Yucatan


This place is located near progress and has large buildings that sit in a swampy area just 2 kilometers from the coast.

X’cambó atractivo arqueologico de yucatan


Another tourist site in Yucatan, which has caused a great impact on tourism and can not miss on the list is the archaeological site of Kabah and we find it 23 km southeast of Uxmal. This city is known as the second largest religious center of the Puuc style.

This Yucatan attraction holds a great mystery still undiscovered and as far as we know the area of Kabah is mentioned in the sacred book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel.

zona arqueolgica de kabah sitio turistico de yucatan

Merida Centennial

A place to spend with the family is the Centenario de Merida where you will enjoy a ride on horseback, on the little train or on foot and learning more about each of the animals that make up this place.

centenario de merida


Animaya is another popular attraction in Yucatan and unlike the Centenario, this one has a safari so you can be closer to the different species of animals it houses.

animaya atractivo turistico de yucatan

Lagartos River

Rio Lagartos is located near Coloradas in the municipality of Tizimin and is a place full of incredible natural attractions ideal for eco-tourism lovers.

rio lagartos atractivo de yucatan


Las Coloradas is one of the most surreal attractions of Yucatan, as it gives us a view of 2 different worlds, on one side a beautiful lagoon and on the other side a pink colored beach.

The pink color of the beach is due to the high concentration of salt that it possesses, and although bathers can enter, it is best to stay inside for a short time.

Las coloradas Merida Yucatan


Progreso has beautiful beaches that invite us to stay for hours and hours enjoying its fresh waters and it is also one of the main tourist attractions of Yucatan that you have to know and although it is a little far from the center of the city it is worth a visit.



CelestĂşn is located a little farther than progreso, to be exact 95 kilometers from the city of MĂ©rida, but it is worth a visit because of its proximity to rio lagartos.

It is a coastal town where you can enjoy beautiful beaches that are not very crowded and also the coexistence of various natural attractions.

CelestĂşn atractivo popular lde yucatan

El Cuyo

El Cuyo is a small fishing village in Yucatan located on the coast and being a “lonely” place, so to speak, its beaches are perfect for people looking to get away from the noise, people, work, stress and be with the tranquility of nature.

El Cuyo atractivos naturales de yucatan


Chelen is another attraction in Yucatan that adds to the list of fishing villages and despite not having large hotels, restaurants or plazas, it has become a very popular place for thousands of visitors attracted by its beautiful and lush beaches.

Chelem lugares turisticos de Yucatan


Can you imagine going deep into the depths of the earth, knowing and walking through the caverns? Well, this tour full of adventure gives us the cenote and underwater cavern Kankirixché, which has to be added to your list of important places to visit.

Although this place is a walk through a cavern, it allows the entrance of light, giving us very clear waters that allow all visitors to snorkel or dive in it.

Kankirixché yucatan lugares turismo conocer


If you thought that Valladolid could not surprise you, let me tell you that you are very wrong, because one of the cenotes that you have to visit is the X’KekĂ©n cenote. A natural formation thousands of years old that dazzles us with its natural and artificial colors.

X´Kekén sitios naturales y turisticos yucatan


Samulá is a little similar to the previous one and you will find it in Valladolid and with this you can realize that you have a whole world to discover while visiting Yucatán.

Samulá cenote


If your intention is to visit Chichén Itzá you should definitely visit the cenote Zací. A beautiful semi-open cenote located in the magical town of Valladolid and which is accessed through a tunnel or grotto through which you descend a stone staircase to get to know the freshness and grandeur of the place.

ZacĂ­ yucatan lugares turisticos


Undoubtedly the state of Yucatan has much, but much to offer and therefore, a few days of vacation will not be enough to tour all its charm and beauty, but to leave us wanting to return and you know another very interesting fact of all this, the city of Cancun and Tulum are very close to the state, so your adventure continues in the Caribbean Mexico.

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