Where are the most beautiful women in Mexico from?

beautiful women in Mexico

Have you ever wondered where the most beautiful women in Mexico are from? Well, keep reading because in this article we will tell you which are the top 10 states or cities with the most beautiful women in Mexico and maybe you will even move to one of them.

beautiful women in Mexico

Where are the most beautiful women in Mexico from?

Just as there is a top of the countries with the most beautiful women in the world, there is also a top of the regions of Mexico where the “chikitibaby” are so beautiful that melt even the ice and our Traveling By team took on the task of giving an eye taco for you and now we will tell you where the most beautiful women in Mexico are from.


Women from Jalisco head the top 1 of the most beautiful women in Mexico and the white color of their skin, their beautiful eyes and their sculpted physique stand out more than in other states of the republic.

In fact, the state of Jalisco has won 4 titles in the Miss Universe contest, but only 1 time it managed to get the title and that was in charge of Ximena Navarrete in 2010.

beautiful women in Mexico

Nuevo Leon

Generally when we talk about northern women, we refer to the women of Nuevo Leon and they are on par with the girls from Guadalajara. In fact, Nuevo Leon is equal winner of 4 titles in beauty pageants and even though only Guadalajara won the Miss Universe title, it is not far behind.

beautiful women in Mexico


The women of Durango are northerners and their accent is so seductive that they impose character and beauty at the same time and of course, like many women from the north, their white skin color goes hand in hand with their sculpted athletic body that more than one woman would envy.

beautiful women in Mexico


Sinaloa has managed to conquer the hearts of all the men in the world to achieve 3 crowns of beauty and the truth is that Sinaloan women are genetically very good looking, that more than one would like to marry them.

beautiful women in Mexico


So far we have seen that the most beautiful women in Mexico are from the northern part of the state but the southern part of Mexico also imposes beauty and Yucatan is the state that proves it.

It is necessary to remember that Yucatan is a state that with the passing of time has gained a great economic and cultural growth in its region, which is why it is even postulated as one of the best places to live in Mexico.

beautiful women in Mexico


These are the 5 states of Mexico where you will surely not be afraid of marriage, but remember that beauty is interior and maybe you are a trapaceros traveler with whom you would travel the world. What other state would you nominate, dear reader?

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