👉 Nayarit Mexico

nuevo vallarta nayarit

Mexico is much more than the city of Cancun and do not misunderstand us: Although Cancun has always been a beach reference, the Mexican Republic as such has 60% of its territory surrounded by the sea and the state of Nayarit is one of them, it is a pearl that makes us forget the Caribbean Sea and focus on the beauty of the Pacific Ocean and right now we are going to know it.

Nayarit Mexico

Nayarit Mexico

Nayarit State in Mexico is one of the most beautiful and promising turistic speaking, by its beautiful coastal and large historical attractions and of legend.

Furthermore, Nayarit, for Mexico is important by its huge mining wealth, sugar-bowl, fishing and floury. Its huge rich pasture sponsor also the cattle-raising emphasizing the cattle bovine, ovine, equine and goatish.

Nayarit is located in the northwest region of Mexico and limits to the north with the State of Durango and the State of Sinaloa, to the east and south with the State of Jalisco and to the west with the Pacific Ocean.

The Nayarit name be formed by the word cora Nayar “God of the battles” and the completion It (adverb of place), that by and large means “Region where is adored to god of the battles”.

For Nayarit’s privileged geographical situation, where is found the Tropic of Cancer, has an excellent climate, abundant rains in the summer and very fertile soils, that produce great variety of flowers of great beauty and unequaled flavor fruits.

The center of the saw of Nayarit and the tinder with fry in winter and temper in summer.

Nayarit Regions

Like any other state in the Republic of Mexico, Nayarit has its list of hotels, beaches, attractions and regions that are part of its territory, so here we will introduce you to them and tell you a little, just a little about each one of them.


Compostela was founded in 1532 and nowadays is an agricultural, mining, industrial and forest exploitation center in State of Nayarit.

Among Compostela main attractions are:

  • The main Church, built in the XVI century, with a multichromatic Christ
  • The Museum of Compostela where you can see an exhibition of archaeological pieces
  • The Hacienda Miravalles which has swimming installations such as Compostela and Molino, with pools and dressing-rooms

The feast of the Señor de la Misericordia is celebrated on the first Friday of December with bullfights, cockfights and religious parades.

Compostela nayarit mexico

Ixtlan del Rio

Ixtlan del Rio has a brilliant historical cultural past and six kilometers from Ixtlan del Rio you can visit La Sidra Spa which has two swimming pools of thermal waters and a restaurant.

Two kilometers to the west from Ixtaln del Rio is situated the archaeological zone Precortesiana, which is considered the most important in the west of the Country. In the center of this archaeological zone you can see the Temple of Quetzalcoatl.

The main crafts of Ixtlan del Rio are:

  • Colonial ironwork
  • Pottery
  • Colonial furniture
  • Quarry stone works

The principal feasts in Ixtlan del Rio in the State of Nayarit are from December 8th to 12th in honor of the Virgen de Guadalupe.

ixtlán del río nayarit
Source: https://www.mexicoescultura.com/

Nuevo Vallarta

In Nuevo Vallarta in the State of Nayarit you can visit the most important nautical residential zone in Latin America which has a pier for 270 embarkation’s.

Nuevo Vallarta beaches has soft waves, slight slope and blue waters.

Fifteen kilometers to the north of Nuevo Vallarta you get Bucerias which is admirable because of its wide Bucerias Bay where you can practice fishing sports. Nuevo Vallarta in the State of Nayarit has hotels and tourist services.

nuevo vallarta nayarit

Punta de Mita

Punta de Mita is a wonderful place where you find beautiful beaches of fine sand, ideal for surfing, diving and fishing. The Yubartas whales arrive to Punta de Mita in the State of Nayarit from December to March.

Punta de Mita nayarit mexico
The Punta Mita fishing fleet.

Rincon de Guayabitos

Rincon de Guayabitos is an important tourist attraction because of its beaches which resemble a large natural pool with soft waves and fine sand.

Among the most beautiful beaches in Rincon de Guayabitos are:

  • El Beso
  • Freideras
  • Del Toro, in this place you can admire an unforgettable scenery

Rincon de Guayabitos has hotels and trailer parks. Each year, during the month of February is celebrated the Tournament of Sport Fishing of the Sail-Fish.

Rincon de Guayabitos estado de nayarit mexico

San Blas

San Blas port was founded in the XVII century and is the most important tourist center of the State of Nayarit.

Among San Blas interesting attractions are The Maritime Ex-Customs (ruins)

The Hill of the Contaduria, where you can visit the remains of the Temple of San Basilio which was built in the XVIII century and Besides San Blas you can visit the lookout on the El Castillo Hill.

Three kilometers before reaching San Blas there is a place named Singaita, where more than 300 varieties of birds arrive on November and December, and constitute a great attraction for tourists.

San Blas nayarit


Tepic City is the capital of the State of Nayarit and is located 225 km from Guadalajara, Jalisco by the federal highway 15 in Mexico.

The City of Tepic is characterized because of its urbanism. In Tepic you can visit interesting places such as:

  • The Cathedral of the Purisima Concepcion de Maria, built in the XVIII century, which has a neo-Gothic portal and towers of three bodies
  • The Temple of the Cruz de Zacate, built in the XVI century, was a Franciscan convent and nowadays houses the Tourism Direction of the State
  • The Government Palace, built in the XIX century, with a Neo-classic portal
  • The Amado Nervo Museum, where this poet was born in 1870, and where you can see photographs, manuscripts and personal documents of his
  • The Regional Museum of Anthropology and History, which exhibits interesting collections of archaeology, Coran and Huichol ethnography and Colonial paintings
  • The House of the Culture, with murals painted by Jose Meza and some expositions
  • The Autonomous University of Nayarit
  • The Central Park, which has fountains, a kiosk, and a library
  • The Paseo de la Loma Recreational Center, with a forest
  • An arena for Charros shows (horsemen)

No doubt you will love the place for its beaches, its attractions and of course the warmth of its people.


We could really go on talking more and more about the state of Nayarit, but as you can see, each of its regions are surrounded by beautiful beaches and without a doubt, we won’t miss the Mexican Caribbean at all, we can guarantee it!

Don’t forget to read about: Cozumel Tourist Attractions and Mexico Tourist Attractions.