
Also known as X-Tampu “Place of crabs or crocodiles” Is located near the coast 50 km from Merida via highway 180, and only 6 km from Telchac Puerto, in the State of Yucatan Mexico.

Visit Xcambo

Xcambo is a curious combination of Mayan ruins, a Catholic chapel and a small fresh water spring and is one of the tourist attractions in Merida that you have to see on your visit to the Yucatan Peninsula.


Its eldest occupation origin dates back to 150 BC to 300 AC. According to archaeological theories, it was an important city that provided salt to the Mayan cities of Izamal, Oxkintok and Ah Kim Pech. They were also great artisans with an important handcraft production and exchanged goods with Mayan cities in Campeche, Tabasco, Guatemala and Belize.

Archaeologists have found a great similarity in its buildings with the ones in Izamal, making them believe that Izamal Mayans used this site as a port. Also Xcambo counts with 10 natural springs. On may 30th, local people honor Virgin Mary with a typical and colorful festivity.


Xcambo’s opening hours

  • Monday to Sunday from 08:00 h to 17:00 h.
  • Last access at 16:00 h.

Cost of access to Xcambo

  • General admission: $85.00

In accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law of Rights. Free admission for children under 13 years old, students and teachers with valid ID, senior citizens, retirees and pensioners, as well as INAH workers and researchers.

Individuals with proof of residence in Mexico are exempt from this fee on Sundays.


For the use of any device to take videos, the fee authorized by the Ministry of Finance is charged; non-professional photographs, without a tripod, are free of charge.

