How far is Xel ha from Cancun

How to get to Xel-Ha and How far is Xel ha from Cancun

How far is Xel ha from Cancun? The distance from Cancun to Xel Ha Natural Park will depend a lot on the area where you are. For example, the distance from downtown Cancun to Xel Ha is 114.2 Kilometers and a trip of approximately 1 hour and 32 minutes

The distance from the Cancun Airport to Xel Ha is 101.4 Kilometers and a trip of approximately one hour and 15 minutes.

How far is Xel ha from Cancun

Now that you know the distance from Cancun to Xel Ha and before we dive into this post, we’re going to first answer some frequently asked questions from users and readers.

How far is Xel Ha from Playa del Carmen?

The distance from Xel Ha natural park to Playa del Carmen is 47.9 kilometers and the travel time is approximately 40 minutes.

How far is Xel ha from Tulum?

The distance from Xel ha to Tulum is 17.8 kilometers, which is equivalent to a trip of approximately 15 minutes.

How far is Xel ha from Puerto Aventuras?

The distance from Xel Ha to Puerto Aventuras is 257 kilometers and a trip of approximately 30 minutes.

Now that we have answered some frequently asked questions, let’s learn how to get to Xel Ha from Cancun.

How to get to Xel-Ha

As you just noticed the distance from Cancun to Xel Ha depends a lot on where you are from and just to cite a few examples:

  • The distance from the Royal Cancun Resort Hotel to the natural park of Xel Ha is 118 kilometers.
  • The distance from the hotel Iberostar cancun to Xel Ha is 111.1 Kilometers.

All this raises a small question… How to get to Xel Ha from any point in Cancun? Well now we will tell you, presenting the possible cases Go?

The easiest way

If you want to avoid any problem and just enjoy the Xel Ha tour from Cancun, to be rested and enjoy a day full of fun in one of the best natural parks in Mexico, then you have 2 options:

Private Transportation

Generally to go to Xel Ha from Cancun, you can use a private transportation service, because this service has many advantages. For example: You will be picked up at the hotel, apartment or AIRBNB where you are staying and transferred to Xel Ha.

The approximate cost of the private transportation service to Xel Ha and back is 135 USD and when you acquire one, you don’t have to worry about the schedule and just enjoy the trip to the park and have fun as you deserve.

private transportation cancun to xe ha

Tour to Xel Ha

Our second way is to buy a tour to Xel Ha. This is a similar case to the previous one, because depending on the tour agency, they can help you with a transfer service from Cancun to Xel Ha.

The only disadvantage of this option is that the price is a bit expensive, because consider that the first option only includes the transfer from Cancun to Xel Ha and in the park you can buy the access bracelets.

While this option already includes the access bracelets to the park, but for obvious reasons, it is sold a little more expensive than buying it at the window of the natural park.

Tour to Xel Ha

The complicated way

The complicated way is for the brave ones and it is worth mentioning that time has a lot of influence here, because Xel Ha has a schedule from 8:30 am to 6:00 pm and depending on the point of the city of Cancun where you are and the type of transportation you choose it can take from 2 hours to 2 hours and 30 minutes to get there.

ADO bus

This option is for people who want to save on their trip to Xel Ha from Cancun, as it costs approximately 150 MXN each way.

To make use of this option you have to first find out how to get to the ADO terminal, which is located in the center of the city and from there buy the ticket to Xel Ha.

But it should be noted that the bus has specific departure times to Xel Ha and the last one leaves at 10 am, so if you fall asleep and don’t reach it you will lose the opportunity to go to the best park in Mexico.

ADO bus to sel ha

Vans or Groups

Going by bus may not be the fastest way, but it is the cheapest way, however there is another economical and fast way to get to Xel Ha and that is through the Beach Express vans.

You will find these vans in front of the ADO terminal, they leave every 30 minutes and cost 45 pesos. But it is worth mentioning that this type of transportation will leave you at the famous Fifth Avenue in Playa del Carmen.

From the 5th avenue, you have to take another van from a line that calls Tulum Express and from there transfer to Xel Ha. This bus has a cost of 45 pesos and like the previous one it leaves every 30 minutes.

In total it is about 2 hours of travel if you decide to use this alternative to go to Xel Ha from Cancun.

playa express cancun to xel ha


If you travel light (You and your partner) The cab service could be an option for you, because it is better than the other options, faster, you can take it from any avenue, BUT it is the most expensive service that exists, so be careful with it.

Now that you know how to get to Xel ha from Cancun and how far it is from Xel to Cancun, are you ready to be impressed with the beauty of the Caribbean Sea that is waiting for you?

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