👉 El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve

El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve

El Triunfo located on the highest ridges of the Sierra Madre de Chiapas mountains in the State of Chiapas, enveloped in an almost constant mantle of fog, visitors to the Triunfo Biosphere Reserve encounter one of the most pristine and diverse natural areas remaining in Mexico.

El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve

Covering approximately 120,000 hectares, visitors will experience several vegetation zones from one of the last remaining lowland evergreen tropical forest to the spectacular cloud forest, the most extensive remaining in Mexico.

In a mystical and ancient world, shrouded in the covering vegetation of the Reserve, emerge giant tree ferns, evergreen trees that reach over 90 meters above the forest floor, branches covered in vines, moss, bromeliads and beautiful orchids that give the image of hanging gardens in the mist.

El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve
Fuente: El sol de Mexico

The biological richness of El Triunfo is one of the greatest, not only in Mexico, but in the entire world.

El Triunfo is home to an equally impressive number of species of vertebrates, many of them endemic such as the horned guan and azure-rumpled tanager, as well as many species in danger of extinction such as the jaguar, tapir and resplendent quetzal.

With 392 registered bird species, El Triunfo is considered one of the finest birding areas in the country where over 37% of Mexican bird species can be found in the Reserve. Thanks to this incredible biological wealth, over the years El Triunfo has attracted nature and bird lovers who consider this area a bird paradise.

The ecotourism program was formed out of the necessity to manage the existing tourism, as well as to offer new and unique experiences. These enriching experiences focus on environmental education, flora and fauna identification, and an understanding of the conservation efforts in this spectacular natural area. Among the objectives of the program is to generate resources that support and strengthen Reserve management activities and benefit local communities.

El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve

The El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve has been one of the pioneering organizations in developing ecoturism within a natural protected area in the State of Chiapas working with Mexican and international travel agencies dedicated to conservation. The journey to El Triunfo base camp is a walk back time. While physically challenging, requiring a three to four hour hike to reach the base camp, the Ecotourism Program Staff arrange for mules to carry your gear, skilled birding guides, and various support people to make your visit, while not luxurious, extremely comfortable, particularly when you consider the extreme remote location.

Lodging, meals and transportation from your arrival in Tuxtla Gutierrez, the capital of Chiapas, to the journeys end in Tapachula, near the Guatelmala border, are arranged by the Ecoturism Program.

During the tour, participants will have the opportunity to cross the Central Valley of Chiapas as you follow the Grijalva River; climb the rugged eastern slope of the Sierra Madre de Chiapas Mountains; explore the high peaks shrouded in cloud forest; and then descend down the western slope to the Pacific coastal plains to the area where the area where the pristine waters from the highlands of El Triunfo flow to the coastal area of La Encrucijada Biosphere Reserve.

The well preserved habitats of El Triunfo are due in part to its remote location, highelevation, and difficult access which requires hiking up the rugged slopes of the Sierra Madre. The spectacular hike-in from the trailhead to the base camp takes on average of about 4 hours and traverses through four major vegetation zones, the last of which is the cloud forest.

El Triunfo Reserva de la Biosfera chiapas