👉Irapuato Mexico

Fuente de los Delfines irapuato mexico

In the Tarascan language, Irapuato means, “Where the hill meets the plain“. Before the Spanish conquest, this territory originally was home to the Otomie Indigenous tribe. However, between 1200 and 1250 AD the Otomies were conquered by the Purepecha tribe. Due to the fertile soil of the area, the Spanish decided to settle here in 1556. They began to set up farms and raise cattle, which supplied food to the surrounding mining towns.

Irapuato Mexico

Irapuato Mexico

During the Mexican Independence Movement, Father Miguel Hidalgo passed through Irapuato and officially became a city in 1893. The revolutionary armies of Villa, Zapata and Carranza repeatedly came number of conferences, conventions and sporting events.

The farms surrounding the city grow strawberries, broccoli and asparagus for export. The average annual temperature is 20°C – 68°F

Main places to visit in Irapuato

Museo de la Ciudad (City Museum)

This magnificent baroque style building was built during the second half of the 18th century. The museum displays a number of archaeological artifacts, weapons, historical documents and photographs depicting the history of Irapuato.

Plaza de los Fundadores (Founders Square)

Approximately 4,000 square meters in size, this is a perfect place to sit and relax or read up on the history of Irapuato from the placards that surround the square. In the center of the square there is a beautiful quarry stone sculpture entitled “Homenaje” (Homage) along with the Fuente de la Identidad (identity Fountain).

Plaza de los Fundadores irapuato atracction

Presidencia Municipal (City Hall)

Constructed in 1800, this neoclassic style building was originally a school for girls. It was then expropriated by the government in 1857 and became the town hall in 1875. Located on one of the walls of the inner courtyard is a large mural entitled “Las Revoluciones” (The Revolutions), painted by local artist Salvador Almaraz. A light and sound show also takes place here.

Parroquia de nuestra señora de la soledad (Our Lady of Solitude Parish Church)

This baroque style church dates back to 1600. The large baroque style entrance and neoclassic style altar are dedicated to the “Immaculate Conception”.

Templo del Hospitalito (Hospitalito Church): This was the first church built in lrapuato, the interior was completed in 1713 and the facade in 1733.

It is baroque in style and dedicated to the Señor de la Misericordia (Lord of Mercy). The main altars contain images made from corn paste.

Fuente de los Delfines (Dolphins Fountain)

In 1864, Archduke Maximilian of Hapsburg donated three bronze Florentine fountains to the state of Guanajuato. These fountains are located in lrapuato, Leon and the city of Guanajuato.

Fuente de los Delfines irapuato mexico

Puente de Guadalupe (Guadalupe Bridge)

This Bridge was built over the Silao River in 1857.

Zoologico Parque Hidalgo (Hidalgo Zoo)

This beautiful zoo has a wide variety of animals, an artificial lake, canoe rentals and aviary. A host of activities are available for both children and adults alike.

Other places

Our list does not end yet, because our list still contemplates more places like the Temple of San Jose, Temple of the Third Order, Temple of San Francisco, Ex-Colegio de la Enseñanza, Ex-Convento de las Religiosas de la orden Maria, San Francisquito, Templo de Santiaguito, and Children’s Coexistence Center

Celebration and Festivals:

Cabalgata de Reyes (Procession of the Three Kings)

On the 5th of January at 7:00 p.m., a procession of brightly decorated carriages winds through the main streets. This colorful and cheerful parade is in honor of the arrival of the Three Kings.

Fundacion de la Ciudad (Founders Day)

This festival takes places on the esplanade of the Hospitalito Church and the Plaza de los Fundadores (Founders Square) every 15th of February. A variety of civic, artistic and cultural events are held to celebrate the founding of the city.

Expo Fresas (Strawberry Fair)

This regional fair is held every March on the fairgrounds south of the city. Commercial, industrial and handicraft exhibits are on display along with a number of cultural, theatrical and sporting events.

expo fresas irapuato
Fuente: Union Guanajuato

Virgen de la Soledad (Virgin of Solitude)

This religious celebration honoring the Patroness of the city es held annually on April 30th.

Festival de Eraitzicutzio (Eraitzicutzio Festival)

For one week in May, artistic and culural events are performed in Founders Square and the Auditorio Benito Juarez (Benito Juarez Auditorium).

Barrios Populares (Neighborhood Christmas Festivities)

These traditional festivities are held throughout the city in December. Each neighborhood displays their own creativity with decorations and celebrations are the 11th and 12th of December, when the Virgin of Guadalupe is honored. Pilgrimages are made to the templo del Puente (Bridge Church) and at dawn local residents gather to sing “Las Mañanitas” (Happy Birthday) along with other religious songs.


Irapuato is a very beautiful place that belongs to the state of Guanajuato and in case you don’t know, it is known as the capital of strawberries. So without a doubt, you will have a great time here and of course, enjoying all the time its desserts, drinks and tourist attractions.