👉 About Jojutla de Morelos

Jojutla de juarez

If you are in the CDMX and want to get away from it for a weekend and enjoy the tranquility, culture, gastronomy and water activities, then you have to head to the municipality of Jojutla de Morelos.

A place that has as its main attraction the Tequesquitengo Lake and where it is possible to practice water sports such as skiing and don’t worry if you don’t know much about this place, because the Traveling By team will tell us a little about it.

Jojutla de Morelos

Jojutla de Morelos

The main aquatic parks and hot springs in Morelos are located near Jojutla. Its also an important economic and agricultural center; in this region rice cultivation is recognized internationally for its great quality.

Jojutla was founded on April 14, 1695 by Ignacio de la Luz, leader of 18 families that came from Chimalacatlan who on the same day, established on the left margin of the Apatlaco River in a place called “El vado de Atlacxotlitlan” (the ford of the river Atlacxotlitlan).

In Jojutla which in the beginning was called San Miguel Atla-Xotitlan, they built their first huts.

In 1722, 27 years later, they wanted to abandon the Christ which had appeared in the Tula forest at the Hacienda de San Gabriel (estate). This Christ was found by muleteer José Ceron and is presently venerated in Jojutla. It was transferee to Jojutla in a great procession of Tlalquiltenango, on January 1, 1722.

In 1737, in Jojutla was an epidemic which left only 20 families. Another epidemic occurred in 1750, called “Mal de Bolas” (Evil of the Balls).

On December 12, 1771, the bridge over the Apatlaco River was finished. Its construction had been directed by Friar Elias and was paid for by the owners of the Hacienda de Guadalupe.

Because of defending the Independence cause by allowing Guerrero and Bravo to hold discussions in his house as well as for being sympathetic to an insurgent movement, the syndic Juan Antonio Tlaxcoapa was executed on November 6, 1813.

In 1855, Juan Alvarez marched to Mexico City accompanied by Don Benito Juárez. When passing through Cuernavaca, they were approached by the neighbors of Jojutla, who advised by Don Francisco Gomez requested that the grounds of Tetecalita be granted to them. Don Juan Alvarez gave orders to Juárez who took the negotiations with great determination and the Tetecalita ground was ceded to the town of Jojutla. This is the reason why when Jojutla was given the title of City, “de Juárez” was added.

Jojutla de juarez
Source: https://morelos.lodehoy.com.mx/

Interesting places in Jojutla, Morelos:

  • Tequesquitengo Lake – A great recreational and aquatic center with an array of eco-adventure activities. also called “The sea of Morelos”
  • Hacienda Chiso (estate)
  • Manantial La Rivera (spring) – sulphurous and radioactive water with healing powers, 300 liters per second
  • Manantial Las Huertas (spring) -sulphurous water
  • El Borbollon – a spring having a diameter of one meter, emerging with force westward and going 200 mts downstream. There is a cave called “Diablo” (devil), which is a small grotto with two areas containing water which is born there and illuminated by the sun through a split in a rock which is used as a private bathroom.
  • La Fundicion – radioactive water spring with healing powers, 6,000 liters per second

Fairs and Feasts in Jojutla, Morelos:

  • January 1/9 -Feria de Jojutla (fair), considered the third in importance of the state, it begins with a New Year’s celebration and lasts one week In honor to its Saint Patron “El Señor de Tula”.
  • April 16 -Commemoration of the Free and Sovereign State of Morelos
    June 24 -Fiesta de San Juan Bautista (St. John the Baptist feast)
  • September 15/16 -Independence Day festivities
  • September 28 -Vispera de San Miguel Arcangel (Archangel St. Michael eve), one week festivities, rodeo and cock fights
  • October 4 -San Francisco de Asis festivities
  • November 1/2 -Dia de todos los Santos y Fieles Difuntos (Holy Saints Day and Day of the Dead festivities)
  • December 16/24 Traditional Posadas
  • December 24/25 -Christmas Eve and the birth of Jesus Christ
  • December 31 -New Year’s party


All this has been a little of the history of Jojutla and some of its attractions, as well as festivals, events and traditions. We hope this summary is helping you to know a little of this beautiful place near the CDMX.